I deeply value:
- Unconstrained exploration of ideas in pursuit of truth
- Creation of beauty for its own sake
- Aspirations of human flourishing in a post-scarcity world
Interests of mine include software, economics, urbanism, meditation, music festivals, cross-country road trips, building communities, and meeting new people (DMs open — say hello!)
My ideal learning cycle is meant to feel as natural as breathing: inhale (by reading and listening), exhale (by speaking and writing). I've found 'exhaling' to be indispensable — verbalization produces structured thought, exposes inconsistencies and assumptions, and shortens iteration cycles in refining ideas.
I was most recently employed as a software engineer at Twitter.
Topics I find endlessly fascinating
Mechanism design
Dual inheritance theory
Anthropic principle
Looking-glass self
Broaden and build
Virality of ideas
Selfish gene theory
Marketplace of ideas
Behavioral Ecology
Evolutionary game theory